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I Tested 7 Best Upscalers on Stable Diffusion + Supir (AI Upscaler Tool)

Stable Diffusion Upscalers NSFW AI

Hey, what's up? 👋

I'm Jakob, a digital artist, working on AI-generated content (NSFW included) and today I'll talk about Stable Diffusion upscalers.

Today I compared eight image upscalers.

Click here to check the results of the Comparison between upscalers

Or read first:

And if you are lost and don't even know what Stable Diffusion is, go to this article where I explain it a bit, but basically, it's an image generator.

What is an Upscaler? How does upscale on Stable Diffusion work?

An upscaler makes a picture better by making it bigger and clearer. 🔍

It takes a small picture and makes it larger without losing details.

Take a look:

Stable Diffusion Upscaler NSFW

Is upscaling good or bad?

Upscaling can be very good because it makes pictures clearer and bigger.

But sometimes, it can make things look a bit strange or blurry if not done right.

It’s important to pick the right upscaler for the job.

Comparison between upscalers

For this comparison, I used 8 images, and for each of them, I tested 7 upscalers that are default in Stable Diffusion plus SUPIR, which is another upscaler.

If you want to see the full-size comparison, open the link just below the photo.

Photo 1

Upscalers Stable Diffusion AI Tools

Photo 2

NSFW AI Tools Upscalers

Photo 3

Upscaling with AI Tools

Photo 4

Upscaling with Stable Diffusion NSFW

Photo 5

How to upscale an image

Photo 6

NSFW AI Tools upscalers

Photo 7

Upscaling tools, Stable Diffusion, NSFW Tutorial

Photo 8

Stable Diffusion AI Upscalers (NSFW)

Look at the side-by-side comparisons of these results to see the differences for yourself.

Based on these comparisons:

Models that gave better results:

  • Supir

  • ESGAN 4x+


  • Lanczos

  • Nearest

Not good for photorealism:

  • R-ESRGAN 4X+

  • ScuNET


  • SwinIR_4x

Here are some thoughts on each model individually:


This one didn't perform well for realistic images. It seems to work better for anime, as it tends to make the outlines darker, almost like cartoon lines.

NSFW Stable Diffusion Upscalers


I didn't notice much difference between these two.

They performed better than the R-ESRGAN 4x+ for realistic photos, but yet not that good.

Best NSFW AI Tools


This upscaler did a good job maintaining the natural look of the photo, but it gave the images a smooth, almost like Instagram's skin correction filters.

Top AI Upscalers


This one seemed a bit better than the first three, but sometimes you might end up with a pixelated image.

Image Upscalers for NSFW AI

Also, the skin tone looks more reddish, see the full image


High-Quality AI Upscalers

Better than Nearest, it fixes small pixelated details and keeps the image clearer when resizing.


Advanced NSFW AI Upscalers

This is the best default upscaler available on the Automatic1111.

Similar to Lanczos but it has a more natural color tone.


AI Tools for NSFW

SUPIR was the best among all for the majority of the photos.

The main disadvantage is that you don't have it as a default on Stable Diffusion.

But don't worry, here in this same post I will teach will how to use Supir easily.

⚠️ Important Considerations and Exceptions

It's important to note that these results should not be taken as a definitive guide.

There can always be exceptions where a Upscaler that generally performs poorly may outperform a typically better model in certain scenarios, and vice versa.

So, use this comparison as a reference, not a golden rule.

Here are some examples of things that happen differently:

For example, the Supir, which usually gave the best results, did very poorly in this photo here:

SD NSFW AI Upscaling Tools

It even deformed the face. This probably happened because it was a more distant photo.

Another thing that happened in this same grid of photos was that the Lanczos were the best for this photo.

NSFW AI Enhancement Tools

It did not try to correct and perfect the photo, which made it look more realistic than the other models.

So, it's worth trying different upscalers and not just focusing on the ones that are the best most of the time.

How to use an upscaler?

The first 7 upscalers are default in the Automatic1111 Stable Diffusion.

To use them:

First, open the Stable Diffusion WebUI:

  1. Go to the 'Extras' tab.

  2. Upload the photo you want to upscale.

  3. Select the upscaler in 'Upscaler 1', (if you want to mix with another, upload it in 'Upscale 2' and adjust the weight).

  4. At the "Scale By" tab, set the proportion you want to increase for example 2x times bigger, and click "Generate".

Automatic1111 NSFW AI Tools, upscale

You can also select "Scale to" at step 4 and define the final resolution you want.

How To Use Supir

To install Supir, you need to know how to use ComfyUI and other advanced stuff.

To make it easier, I'll give you some links where you can test Supir online without installing anything.

If you still want to try to install and run it on your computer, I have left a video tutorial at the end.

Here are the ways to use Supir online for free:

Best Image Scaling AI

NSFW AI Scaling Tools

You can use it for free and online if this button is present on the workflow page:

Top AI Image Enhancers

And of course, if you have ComfyUI installed, you can download the workflow and run it locally

NSFW High-Res AI Upscalers

To use it, just click the button: "Try on the cloud":

NSFW AI Tools for Resolution


Installing Supir on Comfyui

In the following video, the youtuber Stephan teaches how to install and use SUPIR on ComfyUI.

There are also some tips for managing memory and improving output quality.

Got more questions about Upscale or Stable Diffusion?

Click here and leave me a message (it can be anonymous!).

Tell me what you think or if you have any questions, also leave feedback so I can keep improving.

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Don't forget to check my 🆓 NSFW AI image generator list 🆓


Jakob Stewart © 2022 - 2024. All rights reserved.

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